
Saturday, March 13, 2021

You are the main part of nature!

Everything in this universe, physical and meta-physical bodies are working for you every time! They are supporting and helping you for the betterment of your life and hereafter! So, you need to understand them! Since the birth of human beings, we have been facing ups and downs and this process will remain to continue till an unlimited period. 
Physical science has proved that it had taken a long time to create a suitable environment on the surface of the Earth to create a single cell organism. Before the creation of a single-cell organism, the physical nature has struggled very smartly to produce only one single-cell organism. During this journey, a number of physical processes have taken place, catastrophes, destruction, and destruction. All these processes have occurred with the passage of time. Catastrophic processes might have occurred within seconds to generate a million and billion years process of construction. To understand such theories and philosophical terms we need to study some basics of Earth sciences. This information we can use to understand our importance and existence on the planet Earth. 
There are so many examples from which we can understand the concept of "everything and every situation is taking place to help and support you". Take the example of a smart cell phone. You did not invented or assemble that phone which you are using but someone else did for you. Just you have done an economic activity for earning and then you have gone to a mobile shop directly and purchased a smartphone. This example will help you understand the long story of your mobile. Someone has set up the company, he employed a number of labors, machinery, electrical system, and internet system then they have started making that phone, finally, you have got that. Now you are using that phone to get ideas, knowledge, and guidance to improve your quality of life. In this way, some have made your vehicle somewhere then they have sold to someone then after a long journey you have got your car. 
If we think upon these simple examples we can understand the laws, processes, and purpose of supreme power. 
The example of your smartphone and vehicle explains that during a specific time you were not aware of your smartphone and vehicle but meanwhile, the natural and artificial processes were at work. They were doing work for you day and night. Nature has created raw material in the form of metals, non-metals, and metalloids after millions of years of processes while you were not born, your parents, your grandparents, and so on and so forth, natural processes were at work for you. In this way the artificial processes were also doing work for you such as a company has explored the deposits, another company has exploited, some companies have purchased the raw materials then they have processed the raw material then sold out to manufacturing companies, they have again processed it and then they have manufactured your smartphone and vehicle. You would understand that before your birth, before the birth of your parents, their parents..., before the formation of the water, before the formation of the oxygen and hydrogen, before the formation of the Earth, before the formation of the solar system, before the formation of the sun, before the big bang, and before the big bang, the supreme nature were at work in the formation of the perfect system to create a perfect living organism through which a special work wants to take and that perfect living organism is you! Yes, you are the most perfect and the most suitable one that nature has created for its special purpose. 
So, from today right now, you have to think and you have to observe that everything and every situation is in favor of you, they are working for your betterment and they are working for your actualization. This is not theoretical or a utopia but this is real. When you would start observing this then you can realize the fact that the nature is working in your favor. Otherwise you would feel that most of the situations are going against you. You would observe the bad situations more because you have made your mind like that. You are not telling your mind to recognize the positive and good situations. Therefore, you are feeling that some situations are not in your favor, although they are working in your favor for the betterment of your life.
On the surface of the Earth, we can see several catastrophes, destructions, naturally and artificially. All these processes are occurring to improve human beings especially the human intellect. Since the remote past, human beings have been modifying both physically and intellectually. Hence we can say that whatever happens around us just to improve human beings. 

It's for you!

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