
Saturday, March 6, 2021

Take heed upon the precious advice

  The strength to bear natural and artificial calamities depends upon the foundation of a building and then the material used to build the building but nobody can see directly the strength of the material and foundation of the building although it is the main step to build a strong building. If you want to build a ten-story building then you need to lay such a foundation that could bear the ten-story building otherwise it will fall down during the construction or soon after the completion.

Building foundation here I mean is the precious advice of parents, teachers, professionals, and counselors. Since your birth, you need precious and experienced advice which would help you strengthen your career understanding. Since your middle schooling period, you need true and effective guidance. This true and effective guidance is essential to make an effective career.

Now, how you can give them good advice or guidance? Parents are the heroes for their children! this sentence must understand the parents. No matter what is your physical appearance? financial status, or educational background, you are the heroes for your children. So, your every word, or sentence matters effectively, your good advice and encouragement change the minds, careers, and it also affects their off-spring of your children. While talking to your children you should take care of such words and sentences which should not affect them negatively. Every word should be encouraging because your child has got one life in the form of a human being as you have got. Always put forward your child at home, encourage always encourage, celebrate his/her small successes and give your child an encouraging psyche. In this way, your child will become a brave, confident leader at your home, in his/her school, college, university, then in your society, at the national level, and finally at the international level. If you would not give yourself the importance and if you would not be before your child just like a hero then your child would start feeling inferiority, unconfident, discourage, and he/she would not perform well. They would not make a bright and brilliant career.





Teachers play a vital role in the development of children's careers. They should not teach only their textbooks but they should share their experiences with the passage of time. They should teach about different professions, their importance, and their scope in their area. It has been observed that an experienced and inspirational teacher can give fruitful advice during their childhood. That advice plays the role of a seed sowed in the field. When you sow a seed in your field it does not grows abruptly but it takes time to grow and to become a mature tree. In this way, your influential advice grows in the minds of your students day by day. So, parents are advised to send their children to such a teacher. He's talking to the child, his way of living, his interests can change the minds of students. If your child spends some time with an incompetent person then your child can not learn good habits, your child will learn bad habits.

Give your chance to meet sincere professionals they could give good guidance of becoming what they want to be? and how they can be?. For example, your child wants to be a professor of chemistry then you should find such a great professor who could guide your child in the right way. He could inspire your child by sharing his experience, the importance, and the scope of the profession. Your child will become a responsible and interested student he would start doing smart work. Never consult such a professional who is not a responsible person, who does not like his profession, or pretend to guide others. Such professionals discourage their students or misguide them.

You should give chance to attend the lectures, seminars, and workshops of excellent counselors. Those parents who are interested in their children's career they are doing so. Since their childhood, they are taking their children to different seminars, workshops, and career counseling lectures. Since their childhood, such students are notifying of the good things consciously or unconsciously. These meetings enhance the capabilities of the students. With the passage of time, such students start thinking about themselves and their future goals. They are fixing their future aims and trying to achieve them.


1 comment:

  1. Your children career is more important than other things


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