The entire universe is energy in various forms. According to my view, there are two forms of energy. 1. The energy stored in physical bodies which are non-living. 2. The energy stored in physical bodies which are living. In physical sciences, there are a number of methods to prove a theory by using qualitative or quantitative methods but in self-development and self-actualization fields, we need to experiment in our body and mind. In your body and in your mind you have to develop a well-furnished advanced laboratory to perform experiments every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, and so on and so forth.
Since the remote past, we have been listening to various scientists that this universe had formed by different processes. Through various experiments, we cannot prove the processes of formation of the universe but we can give evidence from the natural processes taking place on the Earth, other planets, moons, and other stars. Such as, on the surface and underground different geological phenomena, teach us and give us the evidence pertaining to the evolution of the Earth and its systems. For example, there are several tectonic plates that are in dynamic form. For a long time, they are moving in different directions, causing earthquakes, ore formation, surfaced and subsurface changes, etc. When we are studying and observing these processes we can understand the formation of the Earth and the universe. Before the physical form of various bodies in the universe, what was there before them? This is the most complicated question.
As I have said that the entire physical bodies were in the form of energy which I have said as supreme energy. Most probably all the bodies were in the form of light (which could not be seen) (supreme order), which has not any physical form. The supreme order had changed its light form into physical form at the beginning. There were no living organisms but a huge mass (In one sense that huge mass was also living because the entire wist was there). The supreme order (light) had converted into two forms within microseconds (for us they equal millions and billions of years to create such a system). Such as living organisms and non-living things. Now you can find the supreme energy in two forms living bodies and non-living bodies.
My observation says that entire non-living bodies (a form of energy), want to convert themselves into another form (living-bodies). For this purpose, we can observe that everything is in the movement they want to be a perfect body. To understand this phenomenon we need to understand ourselves because the supreme energy is going to confine in human bodies. This process of nature is in progress, it is in a circle that never ends.
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