
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Mind, Body, and the environment!

 The human body is one of the most complicated and sophisticated machines that has been formalized by the supreme power. There is a strong connection between, mind, body, and the natural environment. These three powers interact with each other to sustain our lives on the surface of the Earth.

You might have observed the natural processes that have constructed a wonderful environment around the globe in which there exist millions of different creatures of supreme nature. All the animals have their own specific environment to live in, they have their own specific food, there is a connection among all living things known as the food chain and ecosystem.

Supreme nature has made a unique system in all living things which control the entire body known as the brain. The power of the brain is called the mind. The mutual relationship of brain and mind governs entire functions taking place in living organisms. There are certain animals that do not possess the brain such as earth warm, sponges, leeches, coral, sea anemones, sea cucumbers, starfish, and jellyfish but their bodies are also controlled by their minds to survive in their respective environment. So, nature has constructed such bodies having wonderful powers such as the mind. 

The power of mind heals the wounds, diseases, etc but always remember that if there is a high risk of death meanwhile you need to take the tablets or relevant treatment. From today, you need to activate the mutual power of the mind, body, and environment. This power will help you recover different diseases, pains, pandemics, wounds, worries, anger, tension, and many other mental and physical disorders. 

Your mind power is connected with supreme nature, just you need to activate it and change yourself. Physical or mental success, physical activity is very important, when you would get some information about the power of mind then you need to take action. If you would not take action then you cannot get success, although you can keep continuing thinking. If you have got a headache then you should think that you have got a headache but now the mind has settled the problem and now you have not pained, now you are getting well. When you would start thinking like this then your mind will start creating such chemicals that would become the most perfect medicine for your problem, and your body will accept and the environment would be feasible accordingly.

Geotourism and Minerals

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