Self-development is very important to understand the importance of humanity. By understanding the natural processes we can understand ourselves
Friday, April 30, 2021
Start something new
In this pandemic period, we all are thinking about survivability along with a source of income. To fight this pandemic we need to take all types of majors such as physical, medical, moral, and mental. Then, we need to take some new steps to generate primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities. Such activities will boost up our confidence and hope.
COVID-19 has destroyed small and big businesses, employment opportunities, and tranquility. It has created a sense of fear around the world. Experts and think-tankers are thinking of alternate ways to finish such an atmosphere created by COVID-19. In this scenario, I want to explain my point of view regarding new ways of income to eradicate the sense of fear, poverty, and tension.
All those persons who had lost their jobs and businesses should not take tension. Instead of taking tension, they should think about new ways. They should think about their own small businesses such as small factories like making shoes, socks, sanitizers, masks, soap, etc. Such small businesses will change their lives. There is a number of small machines that can be used to make our own product. Such products will make more profit than your small jobs.
What is your age? Do not think about that just you need to spend one year learning a new skill and survive the rest of the time lavishly. You must have big desires but you should not waste your time just thinking about your desires. Observe your market and find out a unique and demanded skill, learn it and start earning for a long time.
I have observed that most of the people are searching for employment opportunities so you can generate employment for them and you can also earn maximum benefit from them.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
There should be a specific schedule for everything
For a long time, we have been practicing our daily tasks without a specific time duration except for our office works and task. From today we should start completing our tasks by fixing a specific time period and we will promise to ourselves to complete our tasks in a given period of time.
Time-bound will teach you how to complete the given tasks within the given time period. To overcome procrastination time-bound habit is one of the most influential habits of a successful person. This process could be started from your small daily tasks such as getting up early in the morning. There should be a specific time at which you need to get up. Do not wait for one minute, at a specific time you need to get up on any cost. Then, you need to fix your breakfast time. For example, you have half an hour for your breakfast then within this half an hour you need to take your breakfast. If it takes more than half an hour then you have to left your breakfast after half an hour. In this way, you can value your precious time.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
You are the most helpful person for yourself!
Most of us, we are looking for someone else to help with our development or change process but you should know that you are the most helpful person for yourself. You know your strengths, you know your weaknesses, you know your financial status, you know your friend's status, and you know your knowledge, So, you need to support yourself first then understand others.
Before seeking someone else help, you should think about yourself that are you physically and mentally sound? Are you healthy? Can you do any physical small or big work? Do you have friends? If your answer is yes to some of these questions then you have got everything! There is no need to find another person's help and support, just you need to change your way of thinking. When you will change your thoughts then onward your material life will change, otherwise having all the basic needs you cannot change your life.
Supreme nature has bestowed you with everything and it is working for you day and night but you are not thinking about this fact, you are looking for a miracle and a miracle will not happen! Yes, they will not happen within seconds or minutes but they will happen when you will start changing your thoughts and physical usual activities, they will happen when you will start thanking the supreme nature for bestowing everything, and they will happen when you will start physical work.
Take help from your amazing eyes, take help from your tongue, take the help from your foot, take the help from your hands, and take the help from your entire body. It will never let you alone in any condition, in any situation, and at any time. Your body is always with you, how do you guide it? how do you take benefit from it? and how do you discover it? It depends upon your thoughts, your way of thinking, and with respect to your habits.
Libra Geosciences & I.T. Centre
Monday, April 26, 2021
If I would know myself!
Everyone in the world is trying to change their lives with respect to material, physical, and mental by focusing on the change processes outside them, they are not trying to spend some time to understand and find out the change processes inside them.
Most of us are observing relativity, we are not looking inside us for our change process. We always judging outside us because we think that we can change ourselves from outside us only and this is true to some extent but the fact is that the change process starts from inside us. To look inside us it needs education, without education you might be a rich person, you might have big properties, you might have a lot of money but if you do not have the sense of looking inside you then you cannot change yourself mentally and you cannot change your society with respect to educational and humanity.
This is the main reason in the third world that the rich persons are getting rich day by day and the poor persons are getting poorer day by day. In such societies, most people are looking outside to change their lives. They do not acquire education, instead of getting an education, they are preferring earning money they do not think about an educated society. As a result, they cannot generate good and innovative ideas they cannot organize their society, they cannot contact other parts of the world, and they are not accepting the change process. The leadership of such societies is also not taking heed to change the concept of their societies because again their apply relativity. They think that if they would facilitate with the education their societies then the poor people will become their competitors in near future. This relative concept has played a vital role in increasing poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, and unemployment in respective societies.
The past experiences have shed the light upon different societies that in this scientific era various societies are still living in remote past mentally although they have got a lot of money, they have got big properties, and they have got big businesses but they have not the concept of the change process.
Now, we need to spread the information regarding self-development, we need to change our education system, we need to change our social setup, and we need to conduct awareness programs in various societies. When we will start thinking about ourselves, our way of living, our way of getting an education, and our way of change process then we can help poor, poor societies, and we can change our global village into a global educated village.
Personal development for a person is very important because this is the key to change the communities and the societies. If someone is not working on self-development then he might have to work on corruption development.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Mind, Body, and the environment!
The human body is one of the most complicated and sophisticated machines that has been formalized by the supreme power. There is a strong connection between, mind, body, and the natural environment. These three powers interact with each other to sustain our lives on the surface of the Earth.
You might have observed the natural processes that have constructed a wonderful environment around the globe in which there exist millions of different creatures of supreme nature. All the animals have their own specific environment to live in, they have their own specific food, there is a connection among all living things known as the food chain and ecosystem.
Supreme nature has made a unique system in all living things which control the entire body known as the brain. The power of the brain is called the mind. The mutual relationship of brain and mind governs entire functions taking place in living organisms. There are certain animals that do not possess the brain such as earth warm, sponges, leeches, coral, sea anemones, sea cucumbers, starfish, and jellyfish but their bodies are also controlled by their minds to survive in their respective environment. So, nature has constructed such bodies having wonderful powers such as the mind.
The power of mind heals the wounds, diseases, etc but always remember that if there is a high risk of death meanwhile you need to take the tablets or relevant treatment. From today, you need to activate the mutual power of the mind, body, and environment. This power will help you recover different diseases, pains, pandemics, wounds, worries, anger, tension, and many other mental and physical disorders.
Your mind power is connected with supreme nature, just you need to activate it and change yourself. Physical or mental success, physical activity is very important, when you would get some information about the power of mind then you need to take action. If you would not take action then you cannot get success, although you can keep continuing thinking. If you have got a headache then you should think that you have got a headache but now the mind has settled the problem and now you have not pained, now you are getting well. When you would start thinking like this then your mind will start creating such chemicals that would become the most perfect medicine for your problem, and your body will accept and the environment would be feasible accordingly.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Audit Yourself First!
Every organization has to face audits every year. This process is very important to know the performance of the organization. Consider, you are the best living company in the world so you need audit department in your company as well. Therefore, you need to set up an audit department in your organization as soon as possible.
The success of an organization depends on the planning, organizing, staffing, delegating, supervising, measuring, and reporting on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, in simple words management of an organization is a key factor of success. In this way, you need to consider yourself a successful organization in which you need to monitor all these aforementioned key factors of management.
Every day you need to formulate plans according to your tasks, if you do not have any task to perform, you also need to make planning, you need to generate a task that would help you in terms of economy, responsibility, success, and personal development. Your plans should not be unimportant ones, it should be a fruitful plan. This fruitful plan you need to organize in the right way. When you will make a plan then you need to organize that plan properly, e.g. you have planned to collect some information regarding economic development this is called planning, now you need to organize that plan, such as first you need to set up your office, you need to purchase the stationary, you need to make a questionnaire, then you need to conduct meetings in which you need to guide your team players, then you need to send your team players to collect the data for further analysis.
In the same way, you need to plan for self-development, such as since your birth what you have to do, and what you have done? You need to review thoroughly and find out the result. With the passage of time, we are not appraising ourselves, as a result, most people are wasting their precious time and money. Time and again you need to ask yourself that the current situation is suitable for you or not? If it is useful for you then you need to improve more and more, if it is not favorable for you then you need to change your strategy.
Sometimes you need to delete some friends from your fried circle and sometimes you need to add good friends in your friend circle. When you will start auditing yourself then you will come to know that you have adopted some habits which are not fruitful for you but you are compelled to repeat them and they have made your personality then you need to delete such habits as soon as possible. You need to change your schedule and you need to reorganize your personal organization.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Become Social to acquire more opportunities
We all are well-organized social animals. I think this is the reason that we have made different inventions since the remote past and we have reached to the moon and then to the Marse. These scientific miracles happened just because of a sound social setup.
Supreme nature has bestowed us with the power of thinking, understanding, knowing, and intellect. We are using these powers to know the purpose of our lives and the connection between us and nature. By using these powers we have established a great social setup as compared to other animals that exist on the surface of the Earth. Other animals have also a sense of living together and making colonies of their own families but they do not have all those powers or they did not activate them such as thinking, understanding, knowing, and how to use the intellectual power? Consequently, they cannot change their living standers, and just they are following the laws of nature for their survival on the surface of our planet.
On contrary to the other uncivilized animals, since remote past homo-sapiens have been trying their best to change their lives by constructing their homes, cooking, clothing, and so on and so forth. This has happened because they have generated a thought of socialization.
The concept or the ideas of socialization since the remote past has played a pivotal role in the development and in the formation of opportunities in their respective areas. With the passage of time, this concept has become a global concept because science and technology have changed our planet into a village. Now, we do know various social setups around the globe. All those societies who have changed their social set up by considering the respectable cultural norms have not only changed their own societies but they have been trying to change other societies to make well-civilized and well-developed societies.
If you would observe some societies who have not thought about other well-civilized and well-developed societies or they do not like to live with such societies or they do not try to collaborate with them they have not changed their minds, societies, and their communities. And all those societies who have collaborated with developed societies have changed themselves, they have changed their societies.
By observing the change process since remote past I have come to know that socialization is a key factor to change our lives. Therefore, observe your own society make such friends who are more socialized than you, who are more since and trustworthy, who are changing their living standers, who are passing the concept of the change process, join them and start changing yourself and your society.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Travel changes life
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Start a small business
In this scientific era, different machines are working installed with artificial intelligence. Day by day they are taking over the labor and skilled jobs. Therefore we need to study business education and financial intelligence.
The industrialized world has already changed the trend of jobs into skilled-based jobs. Now a day's different machines have been invented for various purposes. To operate all those machines relevant diploma holders are enough. I am writing this article for those who want to start earning as soon as possible and who cannot afford advanced education in their respective fields.
The purpose of this article is to give the sense of skilled-based businesses. If you want to start a business then you need to pursue a diploma in your respective field and then enter into the market. Initially, do not think about a high salary in the first and second year after your completion of your education because in those two years you need to learn a relevant skill and you need to earn just pocket money.
Having done your diploma, certificate or degree, you need to find a job place where you could learn new skills along with some pocket money. If you could not earn pocket money, does not matter just learn your new skill. During your first year of practical life, you might face difficulties. Those difficulties might compel you to quit the workplace but sustain yourself, learn to face the music, and persistently continue your work. Keep continuing learning your new skill with full interest. In your workplace, you might have to face bullies but you need to face them, do not think about them just need to focus on your desire work. With the passage of time they would follow you they would listen to you and they will learn from you.
After two months, you would realize that you have understood your job, your workplace, and your colleagues. Now you need to start thinking about your own business but remember that you have just understood your workplace you did not learn your skill completely and you did not understand your job market, you did not meet with enough people, and you did not learn how to deal with your clients. That is why you need to stay there until you would not aware of the market. When you will learn the market thoroughly then you need to start your own business with zero investment. Do not wait for a job but now you need to generate jobs for others.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Collect the most wanted soft or hard skills
There are a number of skills. Some of which you can learn with no investment but you need to spend money to learn advanced skills. Anyhow, first of all, you need to search for some most demanded skills to think about them.
In our daily lives, we can see many people having good education unemployed around the globe in various fields. One reason behind the unemployment is that many graduates prefer jobs in their own fields and in search of their own relevant field jobs they are wasting their time. In this way, they cannot find a job soon after their graduation.
Instead of the most relevant jobs, I would advise you that "just start a small job which could be relevant to your profession or not" along with this I would prefer to search, such skills which are relevant to your profession and your passion and make a list of your desire skills. For example, you have chosen the following skills:
1. Social Media Management and Digital Marketing
1.1. Blogging
1.2. Web analytics
1.3. Digital Photography
1.4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
1.5. Automated Marketing Software
2. Big Data Analysis
2.1. Data Mining
2.2. Compiling Statistics
2.3. Quantitative Research
2.4. Data Base Design
2.5. Analytical Skills
3. Project Management
3.1. Project Planning
3.2. Engineering
3.3. Quality Control
3.4. Benchmarking
4. Social Media Management
4.1. Blogging
4.2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
4.3. Web Analytics
These are the some of the skills, there may be other skills according to your desire. Suppose you have done masters in computer science, I would prefer for the new students who have entered into the high school, college, or university you should start right now searching your skill. Come to the point that you have completed your degree and now you are searching your dream job meanwhile you have to start blogging. Chose a specific topic and then start your job. Everyday you should search for your desire topic, read the relevant articles and write your views about the given topic. The articles should be your own, don't do copy paste work.
Everyday you should ad new information regarding your selected topic and make some relevant headings. With the passage of time you need to make some relevant videos. Never hesitate to upload your articles and videos. If you would hesitate to do so then you cannot improve your skills and you cannot increase your confidence. In this way till your first job you might have uploaded number of articles and videos operating to your desire topic. This job would increase your writing skills, it would increase your information, and it would give you passive earnings.
When you start hunting new skills you will see new horizons, you ould see new windows which would guide you in your future. They would help you finding a good job and such skills will change your life.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Supposition creates new ways!
Scientific knowledge generates from focused supposition and assumptions. These basic terms I think the mother of all scientific information. I will emphasize using this idea in the self-development concept to change our thoughts and personality.
Since our childhood, we have been listening to and reading scientific experiments and articles which are starting with the words "suppose" and "assume" then at the end of the article or experiment we are getting a wonderful result, a new innovative outcome. I have been thinking about this fabulous concept to apply in our daily lives. After my successful observation, I wanted to share this concept with all my friends around the globe. I am pretty sure that this will help you to be what you want to be in your future?
From today, right now, start supposition and assumptions for short-term goals, then medium, and finally long-term goals. Suppose that you want to write an article pertaining to your future ambition. For this purpose start thinking about your future ambition and you have got great success! Now, start writing your success story from the very beginning to the peak point. Do not confused to start your story, just start it from your first success.
Whatever you have got the skill, you need to utilize that skill and you have to be what you want to? The story might start that I have got good business ideas, the most relevant and informative is the business of gemstones. As I have pursued a master's degree in earth sciences so there is great relevance in the gemstone world. Now I have studied the market of gemstones. I do know about the rough and cut stones and their market places here in my area and other parts of the country. I need to start this business by consulting mentors.
Now, I have to be honest and persistent with this work and I am the most honest and persistent person. Therefore I have started this business. Chose one or two gemstone varieties only because the gemstones business is a world. For this purpose, I have chosen two stones only i.e. ruby and aquamarine. The reason behind this is these two stones are very famous stones in my area. They are also very famous in the world. I have started this business with zero investment! Zero investment? Yes! First of all, I have found a job in gemstone market as a salesman. I have worked there for more than two years. During this two years period, I have learned much more about gemstones, both rough and cut stones, their suppliers, buyers, and their demand in the national, international markets. Then I have started my own business of two gemstones i.e. ruby and aquamarine. In this way, you have to write up your own desire business success stories. Do not think about your age limit because everything is possible, you can start it in any age group.
Always remember that nature is working for the betterment of your life. You need to follow natural laws to work for nature so nature would work for you in the right way.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Start a small economic activity
During your early studies, you should start a small economic activity based on skill. Such as tailoring, barber, gems cutting, nursing, etc. This will change your life easily.
Maximum students are following the race to traditional education, traditional education I mean, go to school study hard and get good grades. This is not bad, education is very very important for the betterment of oneself, without education we could be rich but we could not be a good human being. Therefore, getting an education should be our motive, goal, aim, and purpose. Having said that, along with traditional education, the sense of financial education is also very important.
Since your childhood, you should teach the importance of economic activities along with your traditional education. Some students are lucky, whose parents have got the sense of earning since their childhood. Such parents are teaching their children the methods of earning, they are helping their children in finding the economic activities or even then children are learning from their parents the ways of earning. This is the reason that some parents are uneducated but they have great financial education which they have learned from their small economic activities.
With the passage of time, along with the traditional education, their children are also starting a small economic activity at their schools, in their community, and in their societies. Then they are entering into the market in their youth. Since then they are changing themselves, the risk is always there that during their youth they could fail in their purpose if their parents and their good friends have not supported but there is less probability of failure. They have got a sense of earnings in the right way and they have a sense of responsibility that is why such a thought has created in their minds.
After few years they would have set up a strong desired business in their area or somewhere else. They could have continued their traditional education or not but they have achieved a great business degree from the society in which they learnt the importance of primary economic activity.
In conclusion, I want to say that during your teenage you should follow such a since, person who could allow you to work with hm/her that you could learn how to start a primary economic activity? in the market.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
Take a powerful action
In our daily lives, we can observe that everything you want to do needs a powerful practical action. For example, if you want to learn driving and you are watching the best drivers tricks then you cannot learn forever if you would not get into the car practically.
We all are various forms of energy and we do know that in this material world we need to become practical in every field. We need to take action having done an influential plan. If some want to learn swimming and he is going to the swimming pool every day. Before going to the swimming pool he intends that today he would jump into the pool but when he reaches there and when he sees the water and the people over there he abruptly changes his intention and he says to himself that today he would watch the other people that how they jump into the pool and how they swim? If he would start thinking like this then he would never learn the trick of how to swim? Instead of learning to swim, he would waste his time, it is obvious that he would gain more information about other swimmers, such as how a person gyms? how a person dives, and jumps? Who is swimming fast? and much more such information he could gather.
On the other hand, another person with a powerful action concept with relevant knowledge would make a plan to learn swimming and he would take abrupt action. In this way he would join some of his friends who can swim then he would accompany them and he would go to the swimming pool. There he knows that he cannot swim but he also knows the importance of jumping into the pool and swimming. As a result, he would jump into the pool to finish the fear of water and sink.
The first time he definitely cannot swim but that jump would increase his confidence and the friends with him would help him and encourage him. With the passage of time, he would learn how to swim? Finally, one day he could swim alone anywhere but the person who is just making plans but not taking action will remain at the same point.
In conclusion, I would say that in this material world you need to take a powerful action plan to change yourself. Such action plans might be mental or physical. When you make an action plan mentally convert that action plan physically then you can move forward very easily.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Change your habit
We have been practicing the same habits since our birth. We want to change our financial status by doing jobs or doing business but we are not trying our best to change our habits.
We have observed that maximum people want to change their living status. For this purpose, they are searching for relevant jobs or they are looking for a business. They considered that finding jobs or searching for a business could change their lives but in reality, this concept is exceptional sometimes people are successful with this concept but the majority cannot.
The reason behind the success and failure of someone is the concept of changing habits. The successful are always trying to change their habits with respect to the environment created by the current situations. For example, if a person having a change of habit concept observes his surroundings if there is a chance to live with a businessman he would abruptly change his company and he would join the company of a businessman. In this, he no needs to join a business school to learn the business ideas because he has already chosen such an environment in which he learns himself by observing and working in that. In such an environment every day he meets with businessmen, he always listens to the business ideas and methods, he can see how his friends are dealing with people, he is actually living with business-minded people. With the passage of time, he gains experience along with changes in his habits.
On the other hand, a person who has no concept of habit change also wants to do business for this purpose he joins a school where he is starting his education. After six months or one year or some years, he can get his certificate or degree but he still lacks the practical experience and concept of change of habits. To start a business he has to enter the market and he has to start a small business then he can learn the experience and deal with customers. If he gets his certificate and still he is waiting for someone to push him he could not do anything because he lacks the concept of change.
In summation, if you want to do something in your life just change your habits and adopt some new habits of successful people then you would observe that within a short period of time you can change your financial situation and many more.
Friday, April 9, 2021
True guidance is more important than money
It has been observed that for the betterment and development of an individual life, true guidance is more important than money. If you would spend money on your child without guidance he could not develop himself but instead of spending money if you would guide your child in the right way then he could develop his life easily.
During the studies of your child, you should guide him regarding the life story of a person. You need to tell him and guide him every day, regarding his career. If you are spending a lot of money without guiding him then you are not helping your child in the right way because money can solve the materialistic problems but it could not solve the problems regarding personal development or self-development.
Along with the money you need to show the best ways of life by sharing the success stories with your child. Such success stories will inspire your child and compel your child to become a responsible person, a hardworking student, and an imaginative child. If you are facilitating your child with everything and you are giving him money without investigation then do not expect success from your child but you are going against your child.
You should facilitate your child with mobile, laptop, van, etc but you should ask the questions regarding all those things which you have given to your child, such as for what purpose he is using them? Is he use them for the betterment of his career? What kind of friends is he living with? What is his monthly progress? Step by step you should ask the questions and you should give him satisfactory answers. In this way, you can help your child. Share your innovative and great thoughts with him and listen to him carefully to what he wants to say and what are his views.
You have spent a long period of life and you have faced several problems, ups, and downs, and you have got a long experience of your life. So, all your wisdom you need to utilize for the betterment of yourself and for the betterment of your children. Sometimes your child is using money in wrong ways meanwhile you should avoid your child from spending the money in such ways, never excuse, because your child has taken the first step towards wrong way. In that situation, you need to conduct a meeting with your child and you need to make them understand the condition of the world he has done. You need to explain each and everything operating to the wrong deeds.
In this way, you can guide your child. If you would treat him as a friend then you can help him more and you can guide him in the right way. Otherwise, someone will become his friend and he would guide in the wrong way.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
It creates the waves!
In our general observation, we can see easily that when a stone throws into the water pool it generates waves and they move equally in all directions. The wave strength of the waves depends upon the nature of the stone and the force applied upon it.
This real example has compelled me to think upon our minds and thoughts. Suppose our minds are the huge water pool. It is just like a big ocean. As I have already said that our minds are connected with each other so whatever we are thinking about, our minds generate the waves which travel through various minds and prepares the negative and positive thoughts in them. Our thoughts are just like the stone thrown into the water pool. Such thoughts are of different intensity and nature.
Some thoughts are generating during our anger situation such thoughts are confined to your water pool are some nearby, they are not effective, they cannot move to the corners of the pool. Therefore you would have observed that the angry persons are destroying themselves first then nearby persons. Because such thought waves are generating with huge intensity and power at the center point where they have generated. The example of such thought waves we can personify with a small pebble which generates the small waves but they are at the extreme intensity at the center of generation. Why such waves cannot influence the extremes of the pool? This happens because the mass of the stone is very small and the force applied upon it, is also a small force.
On the other hand, there are certain influential thoughts that jolt even then the extremes of the pool because of the mass of the rock and the force applied upon it is very big. In this way, there are certain thoughts that generate in a certain time period. Such thoughts can shake the minds of other people, although you did not influence them directly. When you are thinking about something with fully understanding and concentration your mind starts generating such same frequency thoughts in other minds, as a result, they also start favoring you.
That is why always understand a situation completely and then with full concentration start contemplating about the situation. Your mind will convey this message to the other relevant minds and then the supreme nature will start working upon it. After some time your thought will change into a realistic world.
According to this observation, we need to fix a time to think about our thoughts, because your thought is just like a stone and contemplation plays the role of the force applied on the stone to throw it into the water. Generate an influential thought and then you should spend some time to understand it thoroughly and then start thinking about that with full concentration. It will help you to achieve your aims, goals, needs, and wants on the basis of your burning desire.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Close your hard and difficult chapters
During our daily routine works, we are opening several hard and difficult chapters. Before opening the chapter you should consult those people who have gone through that chapter already then you should do some homework regarding the chapter, and then you should open because in the near future if you would not able to read that you could easily close it otherwise it would create disturbance and interruption in your daily routines.
Hard and difficult chapters here I mean, all those jobs, professions, daily works, and talks which could be easily started but much difficult to close them. Therefore, think about that chapter then take a decision. It is very important to study, plan, and design your purpose for opening the new chapter.
So far you might have opened several such chapters and perhaps in near future you might also open some more chapters but remember that before opening new chapters you should close the already opened chapters except those which are useful for you, which can help and support you and rest of the chapters you should as soon as possible close them otherwise they would lead you towards failure, they would become a hurdle in the path of your success. Consequently, you should point all those chapters and close with them then you can think about the new and innovative chapters which could help find the path of success.
I has been observed that if you would open several chapters then you could not able to focus on the main chapter of your life you would be confused and you would unable to find out the right chapter of your life. In this way, most people are wasting their time in several hard, difficult, and irrelevant chapters.
For example, if someone is starting a business of apples, he should consistently think and make progress in this business for some time, then he would able to understand the business of apples. He should learn the buying strategies, he should know the market value, he should know about the quality and sorting of the apples. He should know about the buyers in the main market, he should know about the transportation procedure, he should know about the storing the apples. Then he could able to run a good business. Instead of acquiring such information, if could start two or three more businesses without a piece of complete information then he would lose his money and time in a short period of time. In this way, he will continuously open the new chapters without information and understanding then at a certain time he would confuse completely till that he would have lost his money and the most precious time.
As a result, before opening a new chapter you should study, plan, design your task, close the irrelevant chapters and then open a new successful chapter of your life.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Open The Most Relevant Chapters
During your past, you need to open several chapters of your life story notebook to write in on different topics. So far at what age you are? Consider it the past section. On the basis of your past section experience, you need to devise a new notebook of your life.
Since the remote past, people have been unconsciously writing their life's story in their subconscious mind. Most people are situation-driven. They are not constructing their life route according to their desire and intellect. In my observation, we need to think about our life story notebook and we should start writing this notebook neat and clean according to our complete understanding and planning. Our past is the foundation which we have laid without any understanding and planning but that is not futile, it is a strong foundation to understand our future planning and it is a great chapter of our experience.
We need to review our past chapter and we need to find out all those mistakes and great works which we have done. Make a list of both mistakes and great works. Now we need to minimize the mistakes which we have been repeating since the early years of our life period and we need to focus on our great works. One thing I want to share with you that never indulge in your last chapter, do not waste maximum time there, just need to go through the chapter and find out the mistakes and good jobs which you have done in the past.
Now, make your table of content in which there should be a chapter for your previous mistakes and there should be a chapter for your great jobs. Then there should be a chapter for your long-term goals such as education, skill development, your job place, etc, the next chapter should be for your medium-term goals, and the next chapter should be for your short-term goals. The last portion of your notebook should be for your life experiences that you are facing and learning from your daily routine.
..............................................Table of Content....................................
First Portion
Chapter: 1. Previous Mistakes
Chapter: 2. Good work
Second Portion
Chapter: 3. Short-term Goals
Chapter: 4. Medium-term Goals
Chapter: 4. Long-term Goals
Third Portion
Chapter: 6. Life Experiences
Every day you should spare some time to follow the above-mentioned table of content it might help you to manage your time table, it will help you understand the purpose of your life, it will help you understand the value of your precious time, and it will help you to change your habits. When you will start writing your notebook according to the given timetable then you would able to manage your precious time and after some time you would have a lot of original material which will help you to learn and manage new goals.
Monday, April 5, 2021
Dynamic luck & Static luck
In this global village, there are thousands of living creatures are surviving in different environments such as human beings. The modern observation of the researchers has proved that we are the most organized social animals! Supreme nature has conferred us the intellect and we have the power of observation, learning, thinking, and imagination. By using these powers we can understand ourselves and the supreme nature.
We have got two basic lucks i.e 1. Static luck 2. Dynamic luck. Static luck means who would be your parents? Which place of the world, will you born in? etc. Such things you cannot change. You cannot change your parents, you cannot change your height, you cannot change your color, etc.
Dynamic luck means you can change by doing smart and hard worka. Such as you can be a doctor, you can be a professor, you can be a businessman, etc.
Your static luck is connected to your environment where you have born, your family background, your friends, and your smart and hard work. Do not think on the basis of your static luck because you cannot change at any cost. You cannot change the laws of the supreme power. You should think about your dynamic luck because supreme nature has given you the authority to change yourself!
In which place of the world you have born? Who are your parents? etc, it would create a comparison but never think about your static luck and never take decisions on the basis of your static luck. Be thankful for your supreme nature because it has created you in the form of human beings with several supreme powers otherwise you would be in any other form of energy such as rock, ice, tree, insect, etc. You have been chosen by the supreme power to know about yourself and to know about supreme nature by changing your dynamic luck.
Think about your dynamic luck. To be a successful person it is not important to born in the first world, there is a number of examples who have born in the third world and they are very successful persons in their respective fields. They have got poor parents, they born in a poor society but they got success. The reason behind them was they thought about their dynamic luck they did not think about their static luck. They did not waste time by blaming that they have got bad luck.
They have searched for good and innovative ideas, they have found good friends, they have changed their habits, and they have learnt from failure and successful people. They utilized their precious time in changing their dynamic luck. They have acquired different skills and utilized them to change their life. I think they have categorized their luck into two above mentioned categories and they worked on their dynamic luck. As a result, they have changed their lives and they have changed the world.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Learn more skills
Your professional interest and skills will boost you intellectually and materially. During your teenage, never waste your time in entertainment activities. There are several skills which you can easily acquire and you can change your life.
Since our childhood, we have been listening to our parents, neighbors, and teachers the same words i.e. "You should read and write and go to school to get good grades, certificates, and degrees". Meanwhile, we are doing hard work to get good grades because of which we are ignoring other skills which are more compatible than our good grades sometimes. During our studies our parents are also ignoring various skills such as a student who is very interested in Computer Science then his/her parents are just focusing on his curricular activities. They are not focusing on what their child wants?
If your child is interested in Computer Science then you should take heed upon some relevant skill development courses such as computer basics, graphic designing, web development, digital marketing, etc. When your child will attend such skill development courses then he well aware of the practical importance of his professional education, he would get a new skill, his mind will start generating different ideas regarding his profession and his future planning. They would come to know that having done their degrees they can enter in different fields and they can earn more from their skills. He would learn the importance of the relevant skills and he would learn how to earn money?
In this way, we should send our children to skill development centers in their teenagers. If someone wants to be a mechanical engineer then he should visit a workshop to learn some practical work, practical workplace environment, and to learn the dealing with strange people. It is not necessary to visit the workshop every day, he should fix his mind map and he should visit on weekends or on some other days in which he spares some time. This habit of your child will change his mind and he would start studying smartly, whatever he reads in his school or college he would able to memorize it easily. During this training session he could learn the purpose of his profession, he would learn the practical work, and he would have experienced before his graduation.
The world has become a global village we need to learn multiple languages along with our profession. Hundreds of thousands of foreigners are visiting our country for different purposes. To work with them we need to learn their languages. So, during our teenage, we have a lot of time, we do not have any big responsibility, we can learn any skill easily, and we can go anywhere to join such a skill. Parents need to observe the upcoming scope of languages then they should send their children to join various language classes.
In conclusion, I would suggest that during your teenage you should learn multiple skills, such as driving, tailoring, IT skills, carpentering, electrical skills, electronic skills, mechanical skills, etc along with your desire, interesting profession. You do not need to learn all these at the same time you should learn one skill, then you can improve it or learn at an advanced level then you can learn next one and so on and so forth.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Concentration practice
Concentration is very important in all fields. When you are increasing the concentration of acid it will burn. We need to learn the importance of concentration from nature and concentrate our thoughts to learn fast and remain calm and cool.
To learn the concentration power, morning time is crucial especially four to five in the morning. Before that, I would suggest concentrating on the numbers from one to ten (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). First, you need to concentrate on 1 for few seconds. Then increase the timing, let suppose from thirty seconds to sixty seconds and so on and so forth.
How you can concentrate on 1 for five seconds? Assume you have opened a big smart screen in your mind and you are looking at that screen. Its remote control, mouse, and keyboard are in your hand. You have switched on the screen and you have opened the mode. Now you have to click upon the numbers, choose your desire color and size.
Now only click on one and look at it. In the background, you can think about a powerful word as well according to your desire. Now close your eyes and start repeating (1) in equal intervals of time such as;
This practice you can continue at least for three days or according to your improvement. Every day you need to get up at four in the morning and practice for at least five minutes. Then, you can increase the timing to ten minutes, fifteen minutes, and so on and so forth. After some days you will realize that you can concentrate on (1) very easily. Then, you need to change the number (2) and repeat the aforementioned procedure, then start practice number (3), then (4), then (5), then (6), then (7), then (8), then (9), and (10). When you will complete this exercise then you need to start practicing spelling such as;
Now, you have to concentrate on spelling the numbers up to (10, ten). Continue until you cannot concentrate completely. This will take some time to focus on what you want to focus on? When you learned to concentrate on the numbers then you need to select a powerful word or phrase to concentrate on, for example;
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Your negative thoughts are the cause of positive thoughts
Being an Earth Science student I would like to tell you a piece of important information in this article by comprising the Geoscience knowledge with self-development knowledge. This information will help you understand the power of your positive thinking.
The Earth is a wonderful system of supreme nature. This system comprised of rocks, water, and living things. For millions of years, this system has been making different minerals in various environments. The formation of these minerals there involves several prolonged processes. During the formation of these processes different destructive and constructive processes play an important role. (Here you need to consider the constructive processes as positive thoughts and destructive processes as negative thoughts).
Plate tectonics is a destructive as well as a constructive process. This process is the basic process because of which several tectonic plates move in different directions respectively. Due to this movement seismic waves generate and destroy surface and sub-surface places. These processes are basically destroying the places and on the other hand, such processes are responsible for the formation of various precious and semi-precious gems and minerals in various parts of the Earth. Such as the process of plate tectonics igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are formed and in these rocks different decorative, gems, and minerals are formed.
On the other hand, the negative thoughts generate in one's mind because of which there erupt conflicts amongst the people. This happens because of miss understanding among the people. Our supreme nature has created everything in this universe for the betterment of human beings but due to ignorance and unawareness we cannot understand our thoughts and we are considering them negative and we are thinking that such thoughts destroy us. First of all, your mind is generating negative and positive thoughts it means that you have a healthy mind, therefore your mind generates such thoughts. Just you need to understand them accordingly. When a negative thought generates in your mind it will shake you meanwhile if you would understand your negative thought then there will be several positive thoughts against your negative thought! Do not focus on your negative thought, start focusing on the alternate side i.e. positive solutions to your negative thought.
Suppose your mind has generated a negative thought i.e. you cannot find a smart job. Then, it's fine, so many people cannot find a smart job within a short time. You need to think about alternate mediums. If you cannot find a relevant job then what you should do further? Do not focus upon the sentence "I cannot find a job" you should focus upon how you can find a job? Or what are the other options if you cannot find a relevant job? Your negative thought is the cause for the generation of your positive thoughts.
In the natural processes, there are destructive (negative) and constructive (positive) thoughts. Destructive processes trigger the formation of constructive processes. In the same way, your negative thoughts are also the causes of your positive thoughts.
An Open Book (The Universe)
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