
Friday, February 26, 2021

Give them awareness!

 When we are sending our children to schools we are buying them expensive books, notebooks, uniforms, shoes, and above all else, we are giving them psychological power forever! We are fulfilling their basic necessities, and demands by purchasing smartphones, laptops, motorbikes, etc. We are struggling for them to make them honorable personalities in our societies. With the passage of time, our children become what we want to be them, sometimes they are following others, sometimes they are following their mentors, and sometimes they are following their own passion. 

When we are sending them to schools they do not know about their future aims, goals, and their career planning. They are going to school because their other friends are also going to school. When we send our children to schools we are feeding in their minds just two terms. The first one is "you have to study and get good marks", secondly "you would get a good job in the future".  Then our children are starting their race with other friends. Every day they are going to school keeping in mind that they have to study hard, get good marks because in the future they would get a good job. They lack the sense of how to study? And time management, and frugality.

Then, what should we do? Yes, this is a difficult question because during their first day of school they obviously can not understand the advanced level of education. We can not make them understand the purpose of their going to school every day, we can not make them understand the importance of time and frugality. If this is true, then how we have motivated them to go to school? We did not make them understand the importance of school and education. We did not tell them that if they would go to school then they would know themselves. How they understood all these during their first day? It is cleared that we did not tell them all these aforementioned terms but we have just given them psychological power. 

That power triggers them to go to school, read and write, take tests and examinations through their educational traverse. When they do not want to go to the school that power compels them to move forward according to their schedule. We should tell our children how to study by demonstrating them. We should read a book daily we should write something daily after reading the book at a specific time. We have to manage our time that what time we have to go to work? what time we should come back to our home? what time we should spend with our children? what time we should read a book and write daily thoughts? All these we need to manage. When we will do our work according to our schedule then there is no need to give them lectures. They would understand what we are doing? So, here the psychological power I mean is to give them awareness. Before sending our children we are actually giving them awareness. Meanwhile, we are not giving them the awareness about how to study and what to study? If we would make a schedule as I have mentioned above It would be much fruitful to them. 

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