In my area, I have been observing that the person who earns at least Rs. 10,000 are spending on their food and clothes. They are giving more preference to food and clothes than their children's development. It is essential to provide their children food and clothes, but they are spending their money without any strategy. Parents are also unaware of self-development activities. It is very important to understand how to spend? And where to spend their money?
Most of the parents are preferring to buy mutton, beef, chicken, or fish every month. This strategy is fine but, on the other hand, they are not taking heed of their children's physical, spiritual, or mental development. They are not spending their money to improve their children's skills. Just they are emphasizing upon studies without any motivation or psychological preparation. Although, the parents are watching various skills on TV, and the internet but very few parents are thinking about their children's skills.
Now, what their parents should do every month? They should spend some time with their children and they should observe their children critically that what kind of talent they possessed. What are their weaknesses and what are their strengths? Are they introverts? Or Extroverts? Make paperwork for almost ten days. During this observational period, the parents will learn many new things about their children, their habits, and there will generate different ideas in their minds regarding their children. Meanwhile, parents should not share the observational session with their children.
The next step is to prepare an action plan. The first step is to encourage your children. On very small things you should encourage your children. Celebrate with them their success. Praise your children when they are helping you, or helping others. Praise your children on their homework completion. Praise your children on getting up in the morning and motivate them. Morning time is the most precious time that is why to try your best to motivate your children in the morning and encourage them. Tell them in the right way the importance of morning time, you can give them the examples of those successful personalities who are getting up early in the morning and utilizing the morning precious time such as Scott Adams, creator of "Dilbert", Tim Cook, the CEO of the Apple company, Akshay Kumar, the Bollywood star, etc. In this be you should inspire your children.
Instead of providing them more chicken, mutton, or beef you should facilitate them with good guidance, you can find such a person who is noble, polite, knowledgeable, and can guide them in a better way. You can tell him to conduct career counseling, seminars on different skills, professions, and workshops. You can spend at least 10% of your income on such activities to improve your children's skills. Don't think that your child should become a philosopher within a short time, it is not possible. Learning is a long-term process, so you should keep the learning consistency of your child. Don't forget to spend ten percent on your children's skill development it would change your child and it would help your child learn new ideas.
The budget which you have allocated for your children's skill development, this budget would change your child's life, it would change your child's mind, and finally, it would change your child's status in his society. Do not hesitate to spend ten percent on your children's career because this ten percent one day gives you tranquility, satisfaction, happiness, and of course it would give you a return back double what you have spent before.
Very good